Senin, 02 Mei 2011


hidup ini sebuah perjalanan
kadang kita tak tahu kemana harus melangkah
kadang kita lupa dari mana kita berangkat
kita tak tahu apakah kita berada di jalur yang benar
atau apakah kita sekedar mencari jalan keluar

setiap orang memiliki jalan masing - masing
kadang mereka bertemu di suatu persimpangan
dan berjalan beriringan dalam sebuah jalur yang sama
tapi terkadang persimpangan itu memiliki akhir
dan jalan kembali berpisah menuju tujuan yang berbeda

jalan yang kita lalui adalah bukti perjalanan kita
tiap lubang yang pernah kita lewati
tiap gundukan yang kita buat saat kita jatuh
tiap jalan mulus yang membuat kita terpeleset
dari pengalaman itu kita berdiri di tempat kita saat ini

menatap ke depan,
kita tak tahu tantangan apa yang menanti
tolehlah ke belakang dan lihat jalan yang sudah kita lalui
tapi jangan pernah menyesali atau terikat padanya
tataplah lurus ke depan, dan langkahkan kakimu maju

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Allison Madison

Living is like sailing a boat in the middle of the ocean.
You never know what you will encounter, and how will the sea treat you.
Sometimes it's breezy with clear sky that makes you hum in the wheel, or silent and mysterious, with shark lurking beneath the calm surface.
A storm is a sign that the sea is angry or testing you. That only the bravest and those with the strongest will may pass through it.

there are times when people often thinks of giving up, every time the storm is about to engulf you..

"Alley dear! Stop playing with the water and dry yourself or you'll catch a cold!"
a women in her mid 40 came inside the bathroom with towel in her hand.
"Alison Madison.. how many time do I have to tell you not to put your toy boat near the sink!"
"It's perfectly alright, mother, SS Bucaneer won't go down that easily, it even survive the toilet flusher."
"Yes, dear, but we had to call the repairman afterward for the toilet."
the woman then pick the little girl and her toy boat from the swirling bath water.

God shows that hope is not lost

Allison Madison, 8 years old, today the sky is clear.

Jumat, 29 April 2011

April Bride

`They say an April Bride is a Happy Bride`

May this saying be true and happiness always be beside the new Royal Couple

29 April 2011
Everyone is invited, everyone is excited, even the most extreme anti-royal will take a glimpse of the happy day that is the wedding of Prince William of Wales and Catherine Elizabeth Middleton.

Other people had discuss her dress, her ring, her kiss (oh so romantic 2 second kiss)
But I want to discuss about her BOUQUET!!
That oh-so-lovely bouquet, simple, like most of her attire that day, and elegant!
her bouquet was an array of white flowers:
Lily-of-the-valley, Hyacinth, Queen Victoria's Myrtle, and Sweet William :)
each has a very beautiful mean:

Lily of the Valley : symbolize `renew happiness` what more can a newly wed couple have?
Hyacinth : symbolize `constancy` obviously...
Myrtle : a tradition from the royal family is that every bouquet must have a sprig of myrtle from Queen Victoria's bridal bouquet.
Sweet William : the sweetest flower of the bunch if your groom's name is William.

The bouquet is simple, just like her dress, but they are elegant.
And they serve their purpose well, bigger does not mean better! Bigger than that and it will serve more of a distraction to the wedding itself, and that is why, for me, the wedding yesterday was perfect. As perfect as the couple themselves.

I am a fanatic of the European Monarch, especially the British Royal Family. But you don't have to be a fanatic to be able to feel the joy of the day that is the wedding of Prince William of Wales to Catherine Elizabeth Middleton. Everything was lovely and perfect! The dress, the concept, the carriage, the bouquet, the guess, the kiss!

I don't get why people keep comparing yesterday wedding with Lady Di and Prince Charles's wedding... I mean, sure theirs have a much grandeur feels that one expect a royal wedding to have. But Diana and Kate are different! even if Kate had the EXACT SAME thing as Lady Diana was when she had her wedding, I don't think the effect would be the same.. Heck, everything will not suit Kate, I'm sure of it.

So people, stop comparing.
Every wedding is different and special. Especially Royal Wedding.
I personally love Prince Will and Kate's wedding, because in spite of the simplicity, there exist the most important thing that their predecessor lack in a wedding, LOVE :)

extra: I think she was gorgeous, her dress looks like Grace Kelly's wedding dress

The Sky is Pastel Colored

I lost count on how many times I promised myself:
`this time I'm keeping a blog for real, I'll write everyday!`

so, this time, I won't give it any expectation, bear with me people!!

Seringkali orang menulis blog...
untuk mengungkap isi hati
untuk berbagi pengetahuan
untuk berdagang...

Saya ndak janji nanti bakal ndak kayak gitu (EYD yang baik dan benar! Ow Yeah!)

Tapi ketika blog ini tercipta, sang empunya (saya) hanya berpikir untuk berbagi cerita, bagaimana ia melihat dunia dalam sudut pandang seorang mahasiswa kedokteran semester 4.

Di dunia orang lain, mungkin langitnya mendung, cerah, atau hitam.
Tapi di sini, Langitnya berwarna pastel lembut..